Proper YouTube keyword research is the backbone of a good YouTube SEO strategy.
Why? Because finding the right YouTube keywords could mean the difference between your ideal shopper catching your content, or your content being a complete traffic dead-zone.
The first thing you want to do before getting your research on is to do a keyword audit of your YouTube content and channel. This means looking at the following metrics:
- Google Analytics traffic sources, which point to search volumes
- Video view times, which could show you where the relevance of keywords to video content is lacking
- Playback locations, which show demographic opportunities
- Real-Time Reports, which show your estimated views in real-time
- Audience retention, which could point to the relevancy of your keywords
- Shares, likes, dislikes, comments and subscriber rates, which give you an idea of your content (and keyword) engagement
Once you know where you stand, you will know which content needs a keyword revamp. This will also help shape your YouTube keyword strategy by giving you insights into what is or isn’t working – a strategy you can duplicate in terms of keywords in the future. The first step to optimizing your channel and/or content keywords is doing proper research, which doesn’t need to be a tedious affair.
So, how do you streamline your YouTube keyword research so that you’re not only finding better keywords but finding them in a quicker, more efficient way? With these five hacks, of course!
Let’s jump straight in.
1. Take Advantage of YouTube Auto-Complete
YouTube’s auto-complete is a gold mine of important long-tail keywords in your niche. And we know just how critical long-tail keywords are to establishing rank in competitive niches and driving more targeted potential shoppers.
YouTube’s auto-complete will help you find popular YouTube search phrases that you may not have thought of for your main store keywords. It can also point to popular content that your shoppers could be interested in seeing – therefore giving you a host of new video marketing ideas, as well as possible new popular products. – Read more