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5 Reasons Facebook Boosted Posts Are The Wrong Choice for Franchise Owners

facebook boosted posts

Franchise owners often find themselves struggling to reach their target audience on social media platforms. With the rise of Facebook as a marketing tool, many have turned to boosted posts as a means of increasing their reach and engagement. However, this may not be the best option for franchise owners looking to make the most of their marketing budget.

Boosted posts on Facebook are essentially paid advertisements that appear on users’ newsfeeds. While they may seem like a convenient way to reach a larger audience, they come with limited targeting capabilities and are suboptimal for achieving long-term marketing goals. Franchise owners may be better off investing their marketing budget in other forms of Facebook advertising, such as targeted ads or sponsored posts.

Key Takeaways

  • Boosted posts on Facebook have limited targeting capabilities and may not be the best option for franchise owners looking to reach a specific audience.
  • Suboptimal use of marketing budget is a concern when using boosted posts, as they may not be effective for achieving long-term marketing goals.
  • Franchise owners may benefit from investing in other forms of Facebook advertising, such as targeted ads or sponsored posts.

Limited Targeting Capabilities


Franchise owners often turn to Facebook Boosted Posts to increase their reach and engagement. However, this advertising option may not be the best choice for businesses with specific targeting needs. Here are two reasons why:

Inadequate Audience Segmentation

One of the primary limitations of Facebook Boosted Posts is the lack of audience segmentation options. The platform only allows businesses to target users based on basic demographics, such as age, gender, and location. This means that franchise owners may not be able to reach their desired audience with precision.

For example, if a franchise owner wants to target users who have shown an interest in a specific product or service, Facebook Boosted Posts may not be the best option. The platform’s limited targeting capabilities may result in wasted ad spend and poor ROI.

To overcome this limitation, franchise owners can consider using Facebook’s Custom Audience feature. By uploading a list of their existing customers or website visitors, they can create a more targeted audience for their ads. This feature allows franchise owners to reach users who have already shown an interest in their brand, increasing the chances of conversion.

Lack of Advanced Targeting Options

Another limitation of Facebook Boosted Posts is the lack of advanced targeting options. The platform does not allow businesses to target users based on their behaviour, interests, or purchasing habits. This means that franchise owners may miss out on potential customers who fall outside of their basic targeting parameters.

To overcome this limitation, franchise owners can consider using Facebook’s Behaviour Targeting feature. This feature allows businesses to target users based on their online behaviour, such as their purchase history, device usage, and more. By using this feature, franchise owners can create more targeted ads that are more likely to convert.

In conclusion, while Facebook Boosted Posts may be a quick and easy way to reach a larger audience, it may not be the best option for franchise owners with specific targeting needs. To maximise their ad spend and increase ROI, franchise owners should consider using Facebook’s Custom Audience and Behaviour Targeting features. For more information on Facebook advertising, check out this guide from Hootsuite.

Suboptimal Use of Marketing Budget


Franchise owners need to be cautious when it comes to making decisions about their marketing budget. One of the options that may seem attractive is using Facebook boosted posts. However, this may not be the most effective use of their funds. Here are two reasons why:

Higher Cost Per Click (CPC)

Facebook boosted posts may have a higher cost per click (CPC) compared to other advertising options. This means that franchise owners may end up paying more for each click on their boosted post. This can quickly eat into their ad spend and marketing budget, leaving them with less money to invest in other areas.

According to a study by AdEspresso, the average CPC for a Facebook boosted post is around $0.50. This may not seem like much, but it can add up quickly, especially if the franchise owner is looking to reach a large audience.

Diminished Return on Investment (ROI)

Another issue with Facebook boosted posts is that they may not provide a good return on investment (ROI). Franchise owners need to be able to measure the success of their advertising efforts and ensure that they are getting a good ROI. However, with Facebook boosted posts, it can be difficult to track the effectiveness of the ad.

Franchise owners may find that they are not getting the results they expected from their boosted post. This can be frustrating, especially if they have invested a significant portion of their marketing budget into it.

Franchise owners should consider other advertising options that may provide a better ROI, such as Google Ads or SEO. These options may require more effort and investment upfront, but they can provide a better return in the long run.

It’s important for franchise owners to carefully consider their advertising options and choose the ones that will provide the best value for their marketing budget. By avoiding suboptimal choices like Facebook boosted posts, they can ensure that their advertising efforts are effective and provide a good ROI.

Here is a link to an external resource with high authority on Facebook advertising benchmarks.

Ineffective for Long-Term Goals


Franchise owners often have long-term goals, such as increasing brand awareness, lead generation, and conversions. However, Facebook Boosted Posts may not be the best option to achieve these objectives.

Short-Lived Engagement

One of the main issues with Facebook Boosted Posts is that they tend to generate short-lived engagement. Boosted Posts are designed to increase the reach of a post, but they do not necessarily increase the engagement rate. As a result, franchise owners may see a spike in engagement for a short period, but this engagement quickly fades away.

Franchise owners should focus on creating organic content that generates long-term engagement. This can be achieved by creating content that is relevant and valuable to the target audience. By doing so, franchise owners can build a loyal following that engages with their content on a regular basis.

Poor Conversion Rates

Another issue with Facebook Boosted Posts is that they often have poor conversion rates. While Boosted Posts may increase the reach of a post, they do not necessarily increase the likelihood of conversions. Franchise owners may be better off investing in Facebook Ads that are specifically designed to generate conversions.

Franchise owners should set clear goals and objectives for their Facebook advertising campaigns. They should also track their conversion rates and make adjustments as necessary. By doing so, franchise owners can ensure that their Facebook advertising campaigns are effective and efficient.

To learn more about how to create effective Facebook advertising campaigns, franchise owners can refer to the Facebook Business Help Centre. The Help Centre provides a wide range of resources and tools to help franchise owners create successful Facebook advertising campaigns.

Lack of Comprehensive Analytics

Franchise owners need to make informed decisions based on data and analytics. However, Facebook Boosted Posts lack comprehensive analytics, making it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the ad campaign.

Insufficient Data for Informed Decisions

Facebook Boosted Posts offer limited data on results, reach, impressions, engagement, clicks, and other important metrics. Franchise owners need detailed data to make informed decisions and optimize their ad campaigns. Without comprehensive analytics, it is challenging to determine the success of a Facebook Boosted Post campaign, and franchise owners may end up wasting their advertising budget.

To make informed decisions, franchise owners need to use Facebook Ads Manager, which offers detailed analytics and insights into ad performance. Facebook Ads Manager provides information on ad spend, audience demographics, conversions, and other essential metrics that help franchise owners optimize their ad campaigns and achieve their business goals.

Limited Performance Tracking

Facebook Boosted Posts lack the ability to track performance accurately. Franchise owners cannot track conversions or measure the ROI of their ad campaigns accurately. Without this information, it is challenging to determine whether the ad campaign is generating revenue or not.

To track performance accurately, franchise owners need to use Facebook Ads Manager. Facebook Ads Manager provides a comprehensive view of ad performance, including conversion tracking, which allows franchise owners to track revenue generated by their ad campaigns.

Franchise owners need to make informed decisions based on data and analytics. Facebook Boosted Posts offer limited analytics, making it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the ad campaign. To make informed decisions, franchise owners need to use Facebook Ads Manager, which offers detailed analytics and insights into ad performance.

For more information on the importance of comprehensive analytics in ad campaigns, check out this external resource.

Reduced Organic Reach and Content Control

Franchise owners who use Facebook Boosted Posts to promote their businesses may find themselves facing reduced organic reach and limited control over their content. This section will explore two key factors contributing to these issues: dependence on paid advertising and algorithmic limitations.

Dependence on Paid Advertising

One of the primary drawbacks of Facebook Boosted Posts is that they rely heavily on paid advertising to reach a wider audience. While this can be an effective way to increase visibility and engagement, it also means that franchise owners may end up spending a significant amount of money on advertising without seeing a significant return on investment.

Furthermore, Facebook’s algorithm tends to favour posts that have already been boosted, making it difficult for franchise owners to achieve organic reach without paying for it. This can be particularly frustrating for those who have invested time and effort into creating high-quality content, only to find that it is not reaching their target audience.

Algorithmic Limitations

Another issue with Facebook Boosted Posts is that they are subject to algorithmic limitations that can impact their visibility and reach. For example, Facebook’s algorithm may penalise posts that contain certain types of content, such as clickbait headlines or overly promotional language.

Moreover, Facebook’s algorithm is constantly evolving, which means that franchise owners may need to constantly adjust their strategies in order to stay ahead of the curve. This can be time-consuming and frustrating, particularly for those who are not familiar with the intricacies of Facebook’s algorithm.

In conclusion, franchise owners should be aware of the limitations of Facebook Boosted Posts, particularly when it comes to organic reach and content control. While paid advertising can be an effective way to increase visibility and engagement, it should not be relied upon as the sole strategy for promoting a business on Facebook. Instead, franchise owners should focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with their target audience, and use paid advertising as a supplement rather than a replacement for organic traffic.

Here is an external resource that provides more information on the decline of Facebook’s organic reach and the importance of creating high-quality content.

Frequently Asked Questions

What drawbacks do franchise owners face with Facebook post boosting?

Franchise owners who rely on Facebook post boosting may face several drawbacks. Firstly, boosted posts have limited targeting options, which means that franchise owners cannot reach their desired audience effectively. Secondly, boosted posts do not provide detailed analytics, making it difficult for franchise owners to measure the success of their campaigns. Thirdly, boosted posts have a short lifespan, which means that franchise owners would have to keep boosting their posts to maintain their visibility on Facebook.

In what ways can boosted posts be considered an inefficient investment for franchisees?

Boosted posts can be considered an inefficient investment for franchisees because they do not guarantee a return on investment. According to Social Media Examiner, “boosted posts are not a magic bullet, and they won’t solve all your marketing problems”. Franchise owners may end up spending a significant amount of money on boosted posts without seeing any significant results.

Why might boosted posts fail to deliver value for franchise marketing?

Boosted posts might fail to deliver value for franchise marketing because they do not offer the same level of targeting and customisation as Facebook Ads. According to Hootsuite, “boosted posts are best for generating engagement on a specific post, while Facebook Ads are best for driving traffic and conversions”. Franchise owners who rely solely on boosted posts may miss out on potential customers who are not reached by their campaigns.

What are the strategic disadvantages of using Facebook’s boost feature for franchises?

The strategic disadvantages of using Facebook’s boost feature for franchises include limited targeting options, lack of detailed analytics, short lifespan of boosted posts, and the inability to customise ad formats. Franchise owners who want to create a comprehensive marketing strategy should consider using Facebook Ads, which offer more advanced targeting options and customisation features.

How does boosting posts on Facebook compare with alternative advertising methods for franchise owners?

Boosting posts on Facebook may not be the most effective advertising method for franchise owners. According to Entrepreneur, “there are other ways to advertise on Facebook that are more effective than boosted posts“. Franchise owners should consider using Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or other digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience effectively.

What limitations do franchise owners encounter when relying on boosted posts for their marketing strategy?

Franchise owners who rely on boosted posts for their marketing strategy may encounter several limitations. Firstly, boosted posts have limited targeting options, which means that franchise owners may not reach their desired audience effectively. Secondly, boosted posts do not provide detailed analytics, making it difficult for franchise owners to measure the success of their campaigns. Finally, boosted posts have a short lifespan, which means that franchise owners would have to keep boosting their posts to maintain their visibility on Facebook.

For more information on the limitations of Facebook post boosting, please refer to this article by Business 2 Community.

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