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9 Engaging Examples of the Best Headlines to Rally Your Audience

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There’s a reason marketers talk about the best headlines and calls to action more than anything else.

It’s because the best headlines and CTAs contribute more heavily to conversions than most entrepreneurs think.

Think about how people used to — and still do, in some cases — browse magazine racks. Most of them didn’t pick up a magazine until a headline caused them to act.

That’s telling.

The best headlines on magazine covers actually move consumers to physically pick up a product and carry it to the register. Online, all you need is a click.

This doesn’t mean you should rest on your laurels, though. Everyone’s competing in the Headline Olympics, and if you’re not bringing your A game, you’ll struggle to get the attention of your target audience.

So, how do you write the best headlines in your industry — or in any industry? What’s the secret sauce that elevates a mediocre headline to a great one? – Read more

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Local Store Marketing

Using QR Codes for Menus and Promotions

Restaurants around the world are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer experience and streamline operations. Implementing QR codes for menus and promotions has emerged

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