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Why is Onboarding Software a Game-Changer for Employee Experience?

Onboarding software

Picture this: it’s your first day at a new job. You’re excited, a little anxious, but mostly eager to make your mark. You step into the office and find yourself lost in a maze of forms, introductions, and information overload. The first week turns into a blur of unorganized orientations, endless documents, and awkward silences during coffee breaks. Within the first month, you’re not so much integrated into your new role as you are merely surviving it. Sound familiar?

The experience I just described is what happens when employee onboarding goes awry, and sadly, it’s all too common. Onboarding, for those who might not be familiar, is the process by which new hires get adjusted to the social and performance aspects of their jobs quickly and smoothly. When executed poorly, it can lead to higher turnover rates, decreased productivity, and a negative company culture. Enter the game-changer: onboarding software.

Read the full article on onboarding software on serchen.com

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