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What is a customer data platform? How is it different from a DMP or CRM?

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Modern marketing relies on data, we can all agree.

So it is not strange that the customer data platform (CDP) is gaining momentum faster than any other marketing technology, even though many marketers are not yet familiar with the technology.

The CDP promises to provide the key to comprehensive data-driven marketing, a very attractive marketing concept where all your customer data is combined for marketing (and other) uses. Without the data and the management of the data, the ‘marketing brain’ that allows for smarter campaigns simply can’t function. So bringing together the data is very important.

There are some distinct characteristics of a CDP that explain why major brands are looking at them instead of relying purely on other types of data systems like CRM (customer relationship management) or a DMP (data management platform).

So what is a customer data platform and what is the difference with other systems?

What is a customer data platform?
The aim of the CDP is to bring together all customer data and stitch the data together into unified customer profiles. So a marketer can easily work with it.

You could say we have already heard the story of tools that can function as a hub or central place for customer data. There certainly has never been a shortage of technologies that claim to provide a ‘single customer view’ or a ‘360 degree customer profile’. – Read More

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