Facebook recently announced some big changes coming to their newsfeed algorithm that impacts brands of all sizes. As the social ecosystem of “experts” broke down, blogged about, and summarized their thoughts on these changes, what surprised me the most was how many marketers that claim to be experts in this space were shocked to see these changes.
Facebook and other top social networks have been migrating toward a pay to play model for the last 3-5+ years.
For years we have been warning our marketers, brands, our clients and social media training academy students to stop building their business on rented Facebook land. It’s risky business.
It should be no shock to anyone that the social networks have no choice but to attempt to at least slow down the mounds of content overload and spam that is ruining the end user experience.
Will 2018 be the year that marketers and business leaders finally wake up and realize social media, content marketing, branding and digital marketing is not simply about creating more and more content?
Will it be the year that the majority finally learns that quality over quantity is what wins not only in the short term but also the long term? It’s not only about the current sprint on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. Instead the focus should be on building a sustainable business and integrated platform that will endure the shifts and changes, big and small. – Read