Does your Hotel want a good Social Media Marketing Experience?
Today we see many that are getting a little late into the Social Media game jump into it believing they will get a piece of the growing Social Media audience pie.
Their intentions are good, but the lack of a sustainable and effective Social Media Marketing strategy is a little alarming.
We see too many Hotels throwing spaghetti on their Social Media feeds believing it will stick.
When I do research and come and look at several Social Media feeds often I see that in most cases the spaghetti doesn’t stick because it is poorly executed, and it appears more as a mess. And in other cases, there is an over-focus on the Hotel that doesn’t take into consideration what the customer really is looking for. Overcooked spaghetti also sticks to the wall but serving it to the customers will generate concerning word-of-mouth effects.
I design Social Media Marketing Frameworks for Hotels where I implement some important principles to move Hotels away from the spaghetti effects.
Here are 7 elements of a good Social Media Marketing Experience for your Hotel. – Read