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How to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

My Post - 2019-03-28T111029.831.jpgUse these 10 strategies to turn website visitors into buyers.

1. Streamline to the Essential
According to Oli Gardner, a digital marketing expert who co-founded Unbounce, landing pages should ideally have an “attention ratio” of 1:1. Attention ratio is the ratio of the number of things a visitor can do on a given page to the number of things the visitor should do. The more things visitors can potentially do on a page that distract them from the one thing a marketer wants them to do, the more confusing it gets for the prospect and the less likely they are to take the desired action, the reasoning goes. With that in mind, shear each landing page to its essentials – a paring down that many marketing experts say should include removing links, social share buttons and navigation menus. Yuppiechef, a South African company selling premium kitchen tools, doubled the conversion rate on a landing page by removing a navigation bar – an action that helped take the attention ratio from 15:1 to 3:1.

2. Get Creative With Your Offer
In a study of high-conversion landing pages, the online advertising/marketing experts at WordStream found an impressive range of creative and differentiated offers. In its own case, WordStream discovered that offering a free trial of its software – a common carrot, so to speak – wasn’t generating desired conversion. WordStream mixed things up and devised an offer of a free AdWords Grader, which provided prospects with recommendations to improve their Google AdWords strategy. “Prospects loved it and conversions went through the roof,” founder Larry Kim (https://mobilemonkey.com) wrote in a blog. – Read more

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