If you have ever searched for something related to SEO, you must have seen the “keyword research” term. So, what keyword research is about? And why we should learn about it before writing in a blog? Understanding this is challenging yet very important. Keyword research is one of the most important parts of the SEO strategy. So, if you skipped understanding it, you’ll suffer. Luckily, choosing keywords is not by luck. So, here we are going to tell you how to choose the keywords that suit your articles.
What is Keyword Research?
Keyword research is the process of determining the phrases you need to choose on your website’s page SEO strategy. However, SEO is not only about appearing in Google’s search results, but it is also about appearing in results for the keywords that people are searching for. Therefore, before optimizing your website, you have to understand what are the words or phrases do people search on usually. So, keyword research is about knowing these keywords which makes it the essential step in the SEO strategy.
Why Your Website Needs to Use The Best Keywords
Just like any research process, keyword research takes a big amount of effort and time. So, why would you spend all this time and energy on this process? Why can’t you just choose any keyword just because you understand your customers’ minds? If you know your industry and your target audience, spending a lot of time researching for some words might look like a waste of time. However, even if you know your audience so well, keyword research is a basic step that you can’t skip. When you choose keywords based on information, you will be achieving your goals more effectively than at any other time.
1. Attract qualified traffic
Keywords identify the quality of the traffic that your website would attract, not only the amount. Not all visitors are your target audience, not all of them are clients. So, having visitors who are not potential clients is considered low-quality traffic. They will never impact your business or make you achieve your goals either profit or the number of sales. However, high-quality traffic is visitors who are also considered clients. These are your real target audience and potential customers. So, choosing your keywords has an essential influence on your traffic and who are the people your website is attracting. When you learn more about your audience’s searching practices, you can customize the strategy to suit the words you’re using. So, you will not only optimize your website for more traffic, but also for these who you designed your strategy for, to buy your product or service, or considered a lead.
2. Reach searchers at every stage of the buying process
When you think about how users search for a product, you may concentrate basically on the transaction words, such as: “Sign up” or “buy”. While these can catch traffic, most people do not usually use them up to the time of buying. Keyword research may also assist you in knowing the words that will support you link them at all levels of the purchasing process.
Most clients take almost the same essential three steps. Firstly, they search for informative content to study the industry and what types of solutions they need. Secondly, they assess the organizations that offer those solutions and identify which are most appropriate to what they are searching for. The last thing, they reach the company for more details or to buy the product or service. So, if you are just creating content and optimizing your website for the actions that happen in the last step, you’re skipping participating in the first two steps which means that you might lose your potential customers and they will go to your competitors. That happens because they are not even a part of your research process.
So, keyword research helps you understand more about what are the phrases your audience use at every step of those 3 steps. So, you have to create content for them all to indicate that your company is the best choice from the beginning.
3. Address your audience’s questions and needs
Besides, these keywords will effectively help you identify your clients’ needs. For instance, if you want to catch more people to your laundry shop which is located in Dubai. You will use keywords such as “Laundry shop in Dubai” or “Laundry service in Dubai”. However, if you need to complete the first and middle of your funnel, you will need to put more informative keywords.
So, for example, if you found that the sentence “how to wash my silk scarf” is searched often, the intention is obvious. People who search for this phrase are suffering from washing their expensive clothes and they don’t want to damage them. However, they still don’t know what to do with that. So, you might write an article about how sensitive silk fabric is and publish it on your website. So, when they ask for something, they will find the answer they need on your site. This is useful for your audience and also for your business. – Read more