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7 Simple Steps to Conquer Social Media

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Are you lacking a viable social media strategy?

If so, you aren’t alone. 50% of businesses claim that they lack a tangible social media strategy, according to a recent survey. Accordingly, many businesses feel that having a documented social media strategy is unnecessary and takes a lot of time to create. Unfortunately, both of these points are utterly untrue. In order to properly analyze your social media growth and take a strategic approach to conquering social media in your niche, developing a social media strategy that outlines your objectives is definitely in order.

Read on to learn about 9 easy steps you can take to craft a social media strategy for your business.


Step 1: Craft an Executive Summary

All social media strategies begin with an executive summary, or simply a summary that describes your overall objective and how it relates to your business goals. The executive summary should be about one-page long and succinctly identify your purpose for using social media. Furthermore, this summary should include specific goals you are trying to achieve on a particular social media channel. – Read

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