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3 ad copy mistakes keeping you from paid search success

My Post (47).pngAlthough Google provides data on keywords, bids and other aspects of your paid search campaigns, it tends to leave us hanging when it comes to ad copy.

When it comes to ad copy, everyone makes mistakes – even experienced paid search marketers.

After all, Google provides all kinds of helpful information about keywords, bids and search volume, but when it comes to ad copy, it’s up to you to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

So, if you feel like writing ad copy is kind of like playing “Wheel of Fortune.” You throw out a bunch of letters or words and hope you guess the winning combination – you’re not alone. Paid search ad copy is hard for all marketers.

Now, if you’re proactive about testing your ad copy, you can usually figure out some titles and descriptions that deliver decent results, but that’s often a painful, expensive process. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply start with decent ad copy and test your way forward from there?

After writing and reviewing ad copy for countless campaigns, I’ve identified three common mistakes that keep most businesses from getting the clicks and conversions they deserve. In this article, we’re going to talk about how to avoid each of these mistakes and get your ad copy off on the right foot from the beginning.

Sound like a plan? Let’s get started!

1. Keyword stuffing

Back in the early days of Google, keyword stuffing was the secret to online success. If you could discover the right opportunity, you could game the system and make millions from being the top organic result on Google.

Things simply don’t work that way anymore.

Nowadays, users expect Google to deliver accurate, valuable results in response to their search queries.

After years of being betrayed by keyword-stuffed search results, people have been conditioned to avoid clicking on spammy search results – whether paid or organic. Instead, they look for content that actually addresses their needs.

Your customers have evolved, which means your ad copy needs to evolve, too.

Now, none of this is meant to imply that you shouldn’t include your target keywords in your ad copy. Including your keywords is really important. But to understand how to appropriately use your keywords in your ad copy, we need to discuss how incorporating your keywords into your ad copy affects your audience. – Read more

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